Zvi Sade project Serbia NOVOSTI Construction of gas and water supply network started in Ćićevac

Construction of gas and water supply network started in Ćićevac

Construction of gas and water supply network started in Ćićevac

The Mayor of Ćićevac, Zlatan Krkić, and the President of joint venture „MSDE“, Zvi Sade, have marked the commencement of works on the capital project – installation of common secondary installations for water and gas in that city.

Joint venture „MSDE“ Ltd. has been formed with the partner from Israel. That company will deal with the installation and distribution of water and gas. It will later install sewerage infrastructure. Israeli partner is obliged to provide 2.5m EUR, which is the amount of the investment, and to carry out works with its own machines and materials in as short time as possible. THe obligation of Town Hall of Ćićevac was to provide all required permits and to create conditions for the commencement of works.

Izvor, Ekapija 01.01.2007.

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